Terms of use

1. Editor

This website, which can be accessed at www.hexapinball.com, is published by SASU HEXA PINBALL, a SASU with capital of 100,000 euros, registered in the Bordeaux Trade and Companies Register under number B913 948 147, and with the following intra-group VAT number
FR64913948147 with registered office at 9 chemin de la vieille tour 33650 Martillac – e-mail address: hello@hexa-pinball.com

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The content of the site, the general structure, the texts, the images, animated or not, and the sounds of which the Site is composed are the exclusive property of SASU HEXA PINBALL, or of third parties, authors, cited in accordance with the provisions of article L122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Any total or partial representation of this Site and its Content, by any means whatsoever, without the express prior authorization of SASU HEXA PINBALL is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. The site is hosted by OVH , SAS with capital of €10,069,020, registered with the Lille Trade and Companies Register under number 424 761 419 00045 Code APE 2620Z N° TVA: FR 22 424 761 419
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SASU HEXA PINBALL is the owner of the trademark ” HEXA PINBALL” registered with INPI. The HEXA PINBALL logos and terms on the site are protected by copyright and are the full property of SASU HEXA PINBALL. Thus, any reproduction, representation
constitutes an infringement punishable under article L 335-2 of the CPI. Similarly, photographs on the site, other than those belonging to third parties, are protected by copyright. The same applies to content writing.

5 – Hyperlinks

SASU HEXA PINBALL cannot be held responsible for any hypertext links on this site to other resources on the Internet.
Users of the site may not set up a hypertext link to this site without the express prior authorization of Mr Christophe André, in his capacity as representative of SASU HEXA PINBALL.

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